Tag Archive for: occupational exposures

Workplace Foam Roller Exercise for Hotel Housekeepers: An Exploratory Study

Workplace Foam Roller Exercise for Hotel Housekeepers: An Exploratory Study
Hsieh, Y.C. and H.M. Wang (2022). Recreation, Parks, and Tourism in Public Health, 6(1):65-76.
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Social, Occupational, and Spatial Exposures and Mental Health Disparities of Working-Class Latinas in the US

Social, Occupational, and Spatial Exposures and Mental Health Disparities of Working-Class Latinas in the US
Hsieh, Y., Apostolopoulos, Y., Hatzudis, K. and S. Sönmez (2016). Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 18(3):589-599.
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Occupational Exposures and Health Outcomes among Latina Hotel Cleaners

Occupational Exposures and Health Outcomes among Latina Hotel Cleaners
Hsieh, Y.C., Y. Apostolopoulos, G. Hatzudis and S. Sönmez (2014). Hispanic Health Care International, 12:6-15.
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