Tag Archive for: health disparities

Service Sector and Precarious Working Life: A Crude Look at a Pragmatic Epidemiology of Hotel Housekeeping

Service Sector and Precarious Working Life: A Crude Look at a Pragmatic Epidemiology of Hotel Housekeeping
Apostolopoulos, Y., Sönmez, S., Hsieh, Y.C.J., Thiese, M.S., Gallos, L., and Frontiers in Public Health. Under Review.

Embracing Causal Complexity in Health Disparities: Metabolic Syndemics and Structural Prevention in Rural Minority Communities

Embracing Causal Complexity in Health Disparities: Metabolic Syndemics and Structural Prevention in Rural Minority Communities
Apostolopoulos, Y., Lemke, M.K., Hosseinichimeh, N., Harvey, I.S., Hassmiller Lich, K., and J. Brown (2018). Prevention Science, 19(8):1019-1029.
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Work and Sleep Among Transport Operators: Disparities and Implications for Safety

Work and Sleep Among Transport Operators: Disparities and Implications for Safety
Lemke, M.K., Hege, A., Apostolopoulos, Y., Sönmez, S. and L. Wideman (2017). Journal of Transport and Health, 7(Part B):298-309.
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