The Indispensable Whole of Work and Population Health: How the Working Life Exposome can Advance Empirical Research, Policy, and Action
The Indispensable Whole of Work and Population Health: How the Working Life Exposome can Advance Empirical Research, Policy, and Action Apostolopoulos, Y., Sönmez, S., Thiese, M.S., and L.K. Gallos (2024). Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment, and Health, 50(2):83-95. PubMedDOILinkPDF
/wp-content/themes/awp-enfold/blank.png00Sevil Sonmez, Ph.D./wp-content/themes/awp-enfold/blank.pngSevil Sonmez, Ph.D.2023-11-13 09:54:252024-08-22 10:41:36The Indispensable Whole of Work and Population Health: How the Working Life Exposome can Advance Empirical Research, Policy, and Action