A Blueprint for a New Commercial Driving Epidemiology: An Emerging Paradigm Grounded in Integrative Exposome and Network Epistemologies
A Blueprint for a New Commercial Driving Epidemiology: An Emerging Paradigm Grounded in Integrative Exposome and Network Epistemologies Apostolopoulos, Y., Sönmez, S., Thiese, M.S., Olufemi, M. and L.K. Gallos (2024). American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 67(6):515-531. PubMedDOILinkPDF
/wp-content/themes/awp-enfold/blank.png00Sevil Sonmez, Ph.D./wp-content/themes/awp-enfold/blank.pngSevil Sonmez, Ph.D.2024-01-26 11:55:292024-08-22 10:44:36A Blueprint for a New Commercial Driving Epidemiology: An Emerging Paradigm Grounded in Integrative Exposome and Network Epistemologies