Work Challenges and Health of Immigrant Hotel Housekeepers: Part 2 Hsieh, Y.C., Shapoval, V., Sönmez, S. and Y. Apostolopoulos (2023). Workplace Health and Safety, 71(5):255-262. PubMedDOILinkPDF
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Employees’ Helping Behavior Toward the Victims of Human Trafficking in the Lodging Industry Farboudi-Jahromi, M., Tasci, A.D. and S. Sönmez (2022). International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(6):2216-2245. LinkPDF
/wp-content/themes/awp-enfold/blank.png00Sevil Sonmez, Ph.D./wp-content/themes/awp-enfold/blank.pngSevil Sonmez, Ph.D.2023-04-03 08:17:382023-09-03 14:32:41Employees’ Helping Behavior Toward the Victims of Human Trafficking in the Lodging Industry